Monday 6 February 2023

Good & Bad About Follicular Unit Hair Transplant

 A thinning hairline, thinning hair, and hair loss are all regular aging changes. Existing hair follicles also gradually diminish in thickness and volume.

 However, environmental factors such as pollution, lack of access to health care, and unhealthy lifestyle choices may hasten the onset of symptoms or make them more severe. The longer we ignore it, the greater the risk of worsening the situation.

 Many hair transplant centers quickly provide desirable outcomes. Medical professionals across the globe have performed hair transplant surgery. And Follicular Unit hair transplant is a standard method of hair restoration.

 This article discusses FUE hair transplant, including the benefits and drawbacks of the procedure and why you should choose it if you're interested in getting a transplant.

FUE Hair Transplant: What Is It?

 In a hair transplant operation, doctors remove hair follicles from the back, or donor, of the scalp and place them on the balding section of the scalp or recipient site.

 Follicular unit extraction, or FUE, is a surgical technique that removes follicular units, or individual donor hairs, from the back of the head "one at a time" (contributor harvesting site). This hair transplantation process is minimally invasive, using just tiny round punches (1.0 mm) to remove the individual follicular units, which are then implanted into the scalp in the balding benefit areas of the head.

 Unlike Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT), in which strips of skin containing hair follicles are removed and plugged into balding regions, in FUE hair transplant, individual strands are retrieved and implanted in the recipient areas.

 The results of FUE treatment are more desirable than those of FUT since there is no visible evidence of extraction.

Does FUE Hair Transplantation Last Forever?

 Recovery of Hair Follicles After the transplanted region has healed, the hair follicles cannot be moved back; hence, the FUE procedure is considered permanent. However, some individuals may require a series of hair transplant procedures before reaching their desired outcome.

 After receiving even the most effective FUE hair transplant therapy, some people may have hair loss. In a few weeks, new hair should grow and cover up the bald spots where the transplanted hair fell out.

Does FUE Hair Transplant Work?

 An FUE hair transplant costs more than over-the-counter hair restoration procedures and is considered to be more effective than those. Whether or not FUE hair transplant works depends on several factors:

 FUE hair transplant takes time to show results fully; between 10 to 80 percent of the transplanted hair will take about three to four months to grow fully. Like regular hair, the transplanted hair will thin out over time, which might require you to opt for another hair transplant later in life.

 People with dormant hair follicles may experience less effective treatment than those with active follicles. People experiencing thinning or partial balding are good candidates for an FUE hair transplant, and it may not work for people experiencing widespread hair loss over the scalp.

 People who have cancer or any other medical condition that results in hair loss might have to treat the root cause of hair loss before a transplantation procedure.

 Follicular Unit Hair Transplant: The Benefits and Drawbacks

 Like any surgical procedure, an FUE hair transplant has benefits and drawbacks. However, the benefits of FUE hair transplant much outweigh the risks, which is a significant factor in the procedure's worldwide success. Below is a synopsis of the benefits and drawbacks of FUE hair transplants.


● An advantage of this procedure is that it does not necessitate sutures.

● It prevents the donor location from getting long, straight scars.

● Compared to FUE's exact spots, FUE's framed spots are barely seen because of the tiny dots.

● Little to no bleeding is caused by it.

● It allows for a speedy recovery with minimal downtime.

● It can be done to help hair grow back on scars.

● With this method, the surgeon may remove only the hair follicles they want.


● The process of extracting a graft is laborious and intricate, necessitating a lot of time and training on the part of the specialist.

● It may take many transplantation sessions if many grafts need to be placed.

● The price tag is higher than with the standard FUT approach.

● Since the process is challenging and requires the expertise of trained professionals, there are very few.


The Bottom Line

Hair loss patients might benefit from a straightforward and effective follicular unit hair transplant. The considerable increase in the popularity of hair transplantation among those experiencing hair loss results from this tremendous advancement in surgical hair restoration.


Wednesday 28 September 2022

Benefits of Hair Transplant Surgery

The benefits of having a hair transplant procedure performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon are almost unlimited. A hair transplant procedure is a safe and effective way to replace lost or damaged hair in your head. A beard transplant, nj, is a superb treatment for facial hair. It can be an effective method for people with thinning hair that has already begun to fall out. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of hair transplant surgery and what it involves, read on to learn more.

1) Makes you look better:

It is possible to relive the glory days of having thick, full hair with hair transplantation. An individual's confidence is boosted by improving their appearance.

2) Permanent Results:

With hair transplant surgery, you are not limited to temporary solutions like other hair loss solutions. But rather, you get a long-term solution that will give you peace of mind.

3) Baldness means lack of confidence:

For the first time, you will no longer be bothered by your baldness and will be able to interact with others. Having undergone the hair transplant procedure, you will have a new look and be able to socialize much more easily.

4) Lack of maintenance:

In contrast to other operations requiring frequent and expensive attention, the best hair transplant requires relatively little maintenance. When the hair follicles begin to grow, essential maintenance is all that is required.

5) Cost-Efficient:

There is probably a question in your mind about how hair transplant surgery is affordable. There are less expensive alternatives, but they are not permanent, so they become a costly affair when you add many visits and maintenance to them. You would benefit from frequenting the clinic in the future. Hair transplants, however, are an investment that only needs to be made once.

6) High Success Rate:

Hair transplant surgery is not the only alternative, but none has a higher success rate than it. It is one of the main reasons why patients go for this procedure in the first place. 

7) Low Possibility Of Complication:

A surgical procedure can cause complications due to human error and exposure to internal organs. Since only the scalp is affected by the hair transplant surgical procedure, it is minimally invasive. Due to this, the process is very unlikely to cause problems.

8) Minimal side effects:

This procedure does not require invasive surgery or general anesthesia; the risks associated with these surgical procedures are also minimal.

9) Natural Hair:

It uses natural hair that is sourced from you, rather than synthetic or third-party hair used in wigs and weaving. The results are that your hair looks natural, not fake or out of place.


As stated above, the best hair transplant is a single permanent surgical procedure through which the hair transplant specialist in New york implants hair follicles from the patient's donor area into the bald area of the patient. There is no doubt that this is a trendy option because it is an excellent way to restore your lost hair, and it is straightforward to do.

Thursday 25 August 2022

Follicular Unit Transplantation: A Complete Guide

Hair Follicules are just the hair strands and their roots. A hair transplant is a simple way to move hair follicles from donor to recipient areas. One way to do this is with Follicular Unit Transplantation. In this blog, we'll talk in-depth about the follicular unit hair transplant procedure. We'll talk about the benefits, risks, and complications of this procedure and how much it costs.

FUT stands for Follicular Unit Transplantation

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a type of hair transplant in which a strip of skin with intact hair follicles is taken from the back of the head, called the "permanent zone." FUT Hair Transplants, also called "strip harvesting," are a common way to get hair transplants.

This procedure is called "strip surgery" because a strip of scalp with hair follicles is taken. With the help of a microscope, each hair follicle is taken out after the strip is taken off.

When Is FUT Used?

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a surgery, but it is best for people who fit into one of the following groups:

There is not enough hair for other procedures, like FUE, to be done.

Since both men and women lose hair, a FUT procedure can help both men and women. But even if a patient wants surgery, they still need to meet a few basic requirements to see if they are a good candidate for surgery.

Is FUT Suitable For You?

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is good for everyone, but to be sure, you should talk to the hair transplant doctor.

You should know that the donor area on the back of your head, where the FUT procedure will leave a scar, is a straight line. This scar will keep you from cutting your hair very short or getting styles like the "Crew Cut," which requires very short hair. Hair cuts will show the scar, so you shouldn't cut your hair shorter than a Level 3 or 4.

How is a transplant of follicular units done?

After talking with the doctor or surgeon and getting all of the patient's questions answered, the date and time of the session are set, and the procedure is done. Here is how Follicular Unit Transplantation works, step by step:

     First, the donor area, the part of the back of the head with the most hair, is found.

     Then, the doctor gives the donor and the area around it a local anaesthetic. This makes the donor and the area around it numb, so the patient doesn't feel any or very little pain.

     The follicular unit and the strip of the scalp are then taken away.

     The follicular unit hair transplant assistant then uses a microscope to separate the hair follicles into their parts.

     Then, a local anaesthetic is put on the area that will get the hair, and a special micro needle is used to put the hair follicle units into the scalp.

     At the front of the hairline, single hair units are placed.

     After that, two hair units are put behind the hairline.

     Then, two hair units are put in front of three hair units.

     Then, three hair units are put in front of four hair units.

     In a single session, up to 4000 hairs can be transplanted.

     The surgeon then covers the cut made in the donor area with staples or stitches while taking out the hair follicles.

In Summary

Look Natural Hair Restoration, FUT and FUE hair transplants, and women scalp micropigmentation are very successful. Please contact us or call (855) 802-4247 to set up a meeting. You can also fill out this form to ask us to call you.

Thursday 28 July 2022

5 Tips for Maintaining Your Hair After FUE Hair Transplant Procedures

Think about many things before, during, and after a hair transplant. Some of these considerations include the cost of the procedure, the recovery time, potential side effects, and even purchasing an effective hair care regimen to help maintain your new hair. However, there are also more subtle details you may not have considered before undergoing such a procedure. A FUE HairTransplant in New York is one such option that can bring back your natural luscious locks with minimal fuss and recovery time. The following tips may help answer some post-hair transplant maintenance and care questions.

1) Talk to your doctor about the best hair care aftercare regimen:

While there are several different types of hair maintenance regimens, your doctor can help you determine which one is best for your specific needs. They will guide you on your diet and hair care regime comprehensively.

2) Purchase quality hair products:

There are a few different types of hair products that work well after hair transplant procedures. It is essential to buy high-quality hair products that may help protect your new hair follicles. Products that work well after hair transplant procedures include hair moisturizers and conditioners. Hair proteins are beneficial in helping to repair and strengthen your new hair follicles.

3) Patients may benefit from using Proteins and amino acids:

It is recommended that patients undergoing a hair transplant procedure must supplement their diet with proteins and amino acids. Additionally, some patients may also benefit from taking vitamins such as biotin, folic acid, zinc, or iron, which may help strengthen the new hair growth. After undergoing a FUE Hair Transplant in New York, it is essential to help your new hair grow and thrive as much as possible.

4) Use shampoos with antioxidants:

Patients must only use shampoos that contain antioxidants or have a gentler formula. There are a variety of antioxidants that you may want to consider including in your hair care regimen. Some examples of antioxidants include grapeseed extract, argan oil, caffeine, or vitamin E. Antioxidants are beneficial in helping to protect your hair from damage and may also help prevent new hair loss.

5) Protect your new hair with a UV protector:

After undergoing a FUE Hair Transplant in New York, you may consider adding a UV protector to your hair care regimen. This is because the skin surrounding the hair follicles may be more sensitive and prone to damage compared to hair on top of your head. These UV protectors are beneficial in helping to protect your new hair follicles from the sun, which may help prevent new hair loss and damage.


A FUE Hair Transplant in New York can effectively restore hair growth in those who suffer from hair loss. However, it is vital to consider the maintenance and care that these new hair follicles may need. Remember that your hair maintenance will likely be different than it was before undergoing a hair transplant procedure. 

Thursday 16 June 2022

How To Take Care Of Your Hair After An FUE Hair Transplant?

You'll want to make sure you know how to take care of your freshly implanted hair after a hair transplant procedure. They're still sensitive, and they'll require a bit extra gentle tender care to take root fully. Adopting a healthy and thorough hair care routine is one of the most important things a hair transplant patient can do to heal and recover. So, here are some tips for the aftercare of FUE hair transplant New York.

1.    .Be careful with the Incision Cuts

There will be some incisions when the doctor implants the hair follicles. It will take some time for these incisions to heal. It's important to keep the incisions clean. Also, before you have the procedure, ask thoroughly about how to keep your incisions clean.

2.     Take medicines on time

When it comes to hair transplant surgery, you'll need the correct medications to recover. The doctor will prescribe several medications to help you cope with the surgery and keep your body strong. These medicines must be taken on time. Because the healing process after a hair transplant might take up to a year, you should keep your body's nutrient content up to date. You should take the specified medications in addition to making dietary adjustments.


3.     Be careful with your Sleeping Position

Swelling is a common reaction of implants. Although, not everyone who has hair transplant surgery will have swelling. You are free to sleep as you normally would. If you have slight swelling, however, you should sleep with your head elevated to limit the risks of the implants swelling.


4.     Take care of Your Body

The best thing you can do after surgery is to pay care to your implants for a quick recovery. Apply ice to the area where some of the implants are swollen. To reduce swelling, apply ice to your brows for around 20-30 minutes. You should also get plenty of rest and keep your head elevated.


5.     Haircare

Avoid causing abrasions on your scalp, since this will slow down the healing process. Make sure you don't wash your hair for 48 hours after getting a hair transplant. Also, be gentle with your hair when washing it. Scrub your scalp gently, not vigorously. Additionally, try to use mild shampoos. Aside from that, avoid showering water on your scalp because it can cause abrasions. Instead, use a mug to rinse the shampoo.

6.     Drop the idea of hair dyes

It's not a good idea to dye your hair for the first four weeks after the transplant treatment. If you are unable to leave your hair uncolored for a month, it is recommended that you dye your hair before undergoing hair transplant surgery. Chemicals present in hair dyes can infect incisions.


If you are looking for treatment for FUE New York, Look Natural Hair Restoration is a group of hair restoration experts who specialize in achieving high-quality, truly natural FUE treatment in New York. Visit today.

Monday 6 June 2022

3 Most Important Things You Need To Know Before Getting A Hair Transplant

If you're tired of your puffy, thinning hair and fear that it will only get worse as you age, a hair transplant may be the answer for you. A hair transplant involves removing small sections of your scalp to secure the hair on the rest of your head. Hair transplant surgery is a complex medical procedure involving microsurgery, and unless performed by a highly skilled surgeon, a hair transplant is not without its risks. However, proper preparation and care afterwards can yield great results. Here are some things you need to know before getting a hair transplant.


Find a Qualified Hair Transplant Surgeon

If you have decided that a hair transplant is right for you, finding a qualified hair transplant specialist in new york is key to the success of your procedure. It would help if you found a surgeon with extensive experience performing hair transplant procedures, as with any surgery. Ideally, the surgeon you choose should have a minimum of a few hundred hair transplant procedures under their belt. However, having a surgeon with a lot of experience is not enough. You also need to choose a surgeon with an excellent track record of medical care and results. To do this, you can contact other patients who have undergone a hair transplant to see if they were happy with the results and if they would recommend the surgeon. You can also contact the surgeon's previous employers to speak to their past patients to find out their experience with the surgeon.


Preparation Is Key for Successful Hair Transplantation

Preparation for a hair transplant is essential for success. First, you should consult a hair restoration specialist in new jersey who specializes in hair restoration. It will ensure that you are correctly diagnosed and understand a hair transplant's risks, benefits, and side effects. You should also make sure you are in good health and take no medications that could increase your risk of an issue during the hair transplant procedure. It would be helpful to help your body heal and build new hair after the hair transplant if you also had a healthy diet that included sufficient iron and protein.


Know the Side Effects of Hair Transplant

There are certain risks and side effects of hair transplantation, as with any surgery. Pain, swelling, cramps, dizziness, headaches, and changes in blood pressure are some of the most common side effects of a hair transplant. If any of these side effects occur during your procedure, you may want to seek medical attention.



Hair loss is a significant issue for men and women, and with the aging process, it's likely to be a bigger problem for men than for women. A hair transplant can be a great option if you're tired of your hair loss's effects and level. A hair transplant can be a game-changer for men who are tired of the impact of hair loss. Hair transplant surgery is a complex medical procedure that requires a great deal of skill, experience, and precision.

Wednesday 1 June 2022

3 Most Important Things You Need To Know Before Getting A Hair Transplant

If you're tired of your puffy, thinning hair and fear that it will only get worse as you age, a hair transplant may be the answer for you. A hair transplant involves removing small sections of your scalp to secure the hair on the rest of your head. Hair transplant surgery is a complex medical procedure involving microsurgery, and unless performed by a highly skilled surgeon, a hair transplant is not without its risks. However, proper preparation and care afterwards can yield great results. Here are some things you need to know before getting a hair transplant.


Find a Qualified Hair Transplant Surgeon

If you have decided that a hair transplant is right for you, finding a qualified hair transplant specialist in new york is key to the success of your procedure. It would help if you found a surgeon with extensive experience performing hair transplant procedures, as with any surgery. Ideally, the surgeon you choose should have a minimum of a few hundred hair transplant procedures under their belt. However, having a surgeon with a lot of experience is not enough. You also need to choose a surgeon with an excellent track record of medical care and results. To do this, you can contact other patients who have undergone a hair transplant to see if they were happy with the results and if they would recommend the surgeon. You can also contact the surgeon's previous employers to speak to their past patients to find out their experience with the surgeon.


Preparation Is Key for Successful Hair Transplantation

Preparation for a hair transplant is essential for success. First, you should consult a hair transplant specialist in new york who specializes in hair restoration. It will ensure that you are correctly diagnosed and understand a hair transplant's risks, benefits, and side effects. You should also make sure you are in good health and take no medications that could increase your risk of an issue during the hair transplant procedure. It would be helpful to help your body heal and build new hair after the hair transplant if you also had a healthy diet that included sufficient iron and protein.


Know the Side Effects of Hair Transplant

There are certain risks and side effects of hair transplantation, as with any surgery. Pain, swelling, cramps, dizziness, headaches, and changes in blood pressure are some of the most common side effects of a hair transplant. If any of these side effects occur during your procedure, you may want to seek medical attention.



Hair loss is a significant issue for men and women, and with the aging process, it's likely to be a bigger problem for men than for women. A hair transplant can be a great option if you're tired of your hair loss's effects and level. A hair transplant can be a game-changer for men who are tired of the impact of hair loss. Hair transplant surgery is a complex medical procedure that requires a great deal of skill, experience, and precision.

Good & Bad About Follicular Unit Hair Transplant

  A thinning hairline, thinning hair, and hair loss are all regular aging changes. Existing hair follicles also gradually diminish in thickn...